State Telehealth Regulations Interactive Map - Wheel

Michigan Telehealth Regulations and Laws

Telehealth Regulations in Michigan

Most states have regulatory provisions governing the provision of telemedicine services. This article provides clarity on Michigan’s laws and regulations regarding key requirements for providing telehealth services including: standard of care, online prescribing, establishing the practitioner-patient relationship, informed consent, patient identification requirements, and requirements for medical records. This article also provides information on cross-state licensing and payment parity laws.

If you are looking for more information related to Michigan’s laws and rules on telehealth, you can review items such as the state medical board’s regulations, applicable health insurance codes (for reimbursement, payer information, etc.), and Medicaid laws.

What is Standard of Care for Telehealth in Michigan?

There is no Michigan law or regulation specific to standard of care via telehealth.

What is Practitioner-Patient Relationship for Telehealth in Michigan?

A relationship exists when the healthcare professional has reviewed the patient's relevant medical or clinical records, completed an assessment of the patient's medical history and current medical condition, including a relevant medical evaluation of the patient conducted in person or through telehealth, and the prescriber has created and maintained records of the patient's condition in accordance with medically accepted standards.

Are There Online Prescription Restrictions for Telehealth in Michigan?

The health professional providing telehealth services to a patient may prescribe if the health professional is a prescriber who is acting within the scope of his or her practice in prescribing the drug. If prescribing a controlled substance, the health professional must meet the requirements applicable to that health professional for prescribing a controlled substance.

What is Informed Patient Consent for Telehealth in Michigan?

A health professional shall not provide a virtual health care service without directly or indirectly obtaining consent for treatment.

What are Patient Identification Regulations for Telehealth in Michigan?

A provider must have the information to properly identify a patient, via the telecommunication platform or otherwise.

What are Medical Records Regulations for Telehealth in Michigan?

The prescriber has created and maintained records of the patient's condition in accordance with medically accepted standards.

What are Cross-State Medicine Licensing Regulations for Telehealth in Michigan?

The Michigan Legislature has HB4046 pending which, if signed into law, will allow the state to be a member of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). The NLC allows nurses to practice in other NLC states without having to obtain additional licenses.

What are Payment Parity Laws for Telehealth in Michigan?

There is no payment parity law for telehealth administered in Michigan, which means that patients may pay different rates for specific types of telehealth services than they do for in-person visits and care.

What Types of Providers Are Allowed to Offer Telehealth Services in Michigan?

In the state of North Carolina, the healthcare providers allowed to offer telehealth services include:

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