Young person seeks a virtual care appointment for a skin condition

Virtual convenience care that consumers come back to

Flexible, non-urgent virtual care for routine, wellness, and cosmetic health services, plus preventive health needs for women’s and men’s health, allergies, dermatology, prescription refills, and more.

Elderly person is assisted by adult child in making a telehealth appointment on a laptop

Deliver routine health and wellness services online

Sometimes it’s not urgent or an emergency, but your customers are still looking for fast, convenient healthcare services on demand.

With Wheel’s Horizon™ platform, you can deliver high-quality, friction-free virtual care for the common health conditions and treatments today’s consumers are looking for.

Virtual convenient care services

Wheel’s Convenience Care Program is designed to serve common consumer healthcare needs like headaches and migraines, birth control, acne, hair loss, smoking cessation, high blood pressure, and more, while providing comprehensive, personalized patient experiences.

Women's Health

Holistic treatment approach tailored to women's healthcare needs, including birth control, menstrual cramps, urinary tract infections, pregnancy testing, and STI screenings.

Men's Health

Comprehensive care for men’s health issues such as erectile dysfunction, hair loss prevention, STI screenings, and testosterone testing.


Online treatment for common skin and hair conditions like acne, eczema, and dandruff. Providing comprehensive care for all age groups.

General Care

Flexible care for various health needs including headaches/migraines, allergies, and medication refills. Offering synchronous and asynchronous options for diverse patient populations.


Virtual Care Platform Wheel Expands Its Services, Focusing on Convenience

Wheel’s ecosystem is designed to simplify and streamline health care access for consumers in a single virtual care destination. The platform is available to all its customers who build their virtual care programs on the Wheel platform.


Amazon Rolls Out Its Virtual Health Clinic Nationwide with Wheel

Amazon is expanding its virtual clinic service nationwide with Wheel. The company launched Amazon Clinic (now One Medical) as a way for patients to connect with telemedicine providers to help receive treatment for common conditions such as acne and hair loss.


Wheel Announces Integration with GoodRx to Help Millions of Patients Follow Treatment Plans & Save on Medication

Through this integration, Wheel and GoodRx are providing clinicians with greater confidence that their patients will be able to start and stay on their medication.

Learn how virtual convenience care can add value for your customers today.

🗞️ Huma and Wheel Partner To Deliver a Direct-to-Consumer Platform as a Service  Learn more →
